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Phoxo - Probosci

Phoxotermes cerberus AFR3595

Phoxotermes cerberus AFR1361 HW1.28

Planicapritermes planiceps FG101 HW0.85

Polyspathotermes nr. sulcifrons AFR953 HW1.20

Polyspathotermes sulcifrons AFR2915

Polyspathotermes sulcifrons AFR2873 x200

Polyspathotermes sulcifrons AFR2873

Postelectrotermes nr. howa AFR1849

Porotermes quadricallis CL39 HW1.88

Postsubulitermes parviconstrictus AFR1250 HW0.75

Proboscitermes AFR1464 HW0.83

Proboscitermes mcgrewi AFR667 HW0.90
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